Department Of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Federal University, Otuoke
Email: [email protected]
Page Number: 115-131
The study investigated the effect of scratch programming language on students’ academic achievement
and interest in probability content of mathematics curriculum. A total of two hundred and eighty-nine
(289) senior secondary class two (SSII) mathematics students were involved in the study. Three research
questions and hypotheses guided the study. The study employed non-equivalent pretest, post-test control
group design. A researcher’s developed Probability Achievement Test (PAT) and Probability Interest
Inventory (PII) was used for the study. Data collected were analyzed using mean scores, standard
deviation and analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA). Findings from the study shows that students who were
taught probability using scratch programming language achieved higher than those taught with
conventional approach. The use of scratch programming language favored both male and female students.
Finally, the use of scratch programming language increases the interest of students in probability. It
recommended that the use of scratch programming language should be incorporated into the mathematics
curriculum and its use be encouraged at all level.
keywords: : Scratch Programming Language, Students’ Achievement, Interest,
Probability Introduction
Department of Mathematics, Shri Siddeshwar Government First Grade College and P. G. Studies
Nargund-582207, India E-mail: [email protected]
Page Number: 132-146
The Burgers-Fisher equation is a non linear partial differential equation that models various
phenomena for example fluid dynamics, gas dynamics, heat transfers and etc. In this paper, we
presented wavelet based Lifting schemes for the numerical solution of Burgers-Fisher equations using
orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelet filter coefficients. The numerical results obtained by this scheme
are compared with the exact solution to demonstrate the accuracy and also speeds up convergence in
lesser computational time as compared with existing scheme. Some test problems are presented for
the applicability and validity of the scheme.
keywords: Orthogonal and Biorthogonal wavelets; Lifting schemes; Burgers-Fisher
In this work, we focus on the nonlinear p(x)-triharmonic equation without a source term with variable
𝑧𝑡𝑡 − ∆𝑝(𝑥)
𝑧 + |𝑧𝑡
𝑧𝑡 = 0.
By utilizing by Komornik's lemma, we prove the asymptotic behaviour for the solution under suitable
conditions on the variable exponents. keywords: Asymptotic behaviour, triharmonic equation, variable exponents.
This research investigated and compared regression models to determine if there was equality
between federal government capital expenditure and economic growth from 1981 to 2022. This
research utilized secondary data obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics and Federal Ministry
of Finance, Office of the Accountant General of the Federation, and also utilized multiple regression
models to analyze the data. The Durbin method was utilized to identify the important variables in a
multiple regression model, and a test was conducted to assess if the models were equal; this revealed
that all the models’ parameters estimate were significant at 5% except constant parameter, which
seem biased. It was discovered that the most suitable model among the three regression models
(Stratocracy, Bureaucracy and Pooled) was the Pooled Model, which has the highest R2
value with
100%, have the smallest HQC value of -408.150 and the highest F-value of 79773673382
keywords: Stratocracy, Bureaucracy, Regression Model, Equality, Evaluation
1Departamento de Matematica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, LaPlata -1900. Argentina
2 Departmento de CienciasBasicasde la Facultad de Ingenieria
Universidad Nacional de La Plata -1900. Argentina
Email: [email protected]
Page Number: 178-192
We consider the problem of finding a pair of functions 𝑝(𝑥) and 𝑤(𝑥,𝑡) that satisfy the equation
𝑤𝑡𝑡(𝑥,𝑡) = 𝑤𝑥𝑥(𝑥,𝑡) + 𝑓(𝑡)𝑝(𝑥) under Cauchy boundary conditions. We will see that an
solution can be found using the techniques of generalized inverse problem of moments and find dimensions
for the error of the estimated solution.
keywords:: generalized moment problem; integral equations; hiperbolic equation,
inverse source.
Malthusian, Verhulst and Richards Growth Models are widely used population growth models. However,
article, we simulate the future population growth of Federal Capital Territory (F.C.T) using three
exponential, logistic and Richards; to ascertain the model that has the best fit in modelling
growth of
FCT over time. This study is based on the assumption that population growth follows a sigmoid curve
the rate of population growth slowing down as the population approaches a certain limit or carrying
capacity. Then, a
comparative analysis of exponential, logistic and Richards methods is presented. Furthermore, the
of the
analysis shows that FCT has a growing population and that Richards growth model with MAPE and RMSE
values of 1.39% and 19159.53826 respectively is the most accurate and closely followed by logistic
model with values 3.18% and63451.47975 respectively. The study concludes that Richards growth model
R squared value of 0.786 has the best fit for population growth projection of FCT. With approximate
growth rate at
9.3% per annum, the projected population of the FCT will hit 31,635,270 million by the year 2045 all
things being
equal. Therefore, the government should invest in massive agricultural revolution to accommodate the
keywords: carrying capacity, population size, population density, census,
Department of Mathematics/Statistics,
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rivers State.
Corresponding author Email: [email protected]
Page Number: 206-215
The work presented the impact of some Foreign Macroeconomic Indicators on the Gross Domestic Product
of Nigeria using linear regression method. The study employed linear regression approach with Gross
National Product (GNP) and Foreign Domestic Product (FDI) as the predictors while the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) was the response variable. The parameters of the model are estimated alongside the
coefficient of determination (R2
), and its adjusted (R2
adj), variance inflation factor (VIF), P-values and Tvalues were also estimated. This paper revealed the
level of significant contributions of both the Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) and the Gross National Product (GNP) to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of
Nigeria Economy. The research revealed that imports of goods and services had a large positive impact on
Nigeria's GDP, whereas other explanatory factors have a significant negative impact on GDP. Based on
this finding, it is proposed that local products be improved so that Nigerian-made goods/products may
compete well with imported goods and services, hence lowering importation naturally rather than
keywords: GDP, FDI, GNP, Macroeconomic Indicators, Regression Analysis.